The One Person Business System (Course)


Go from zero to an authentic brand that sells products on autopilot

Productize yourself, build an authentic brand that stands out from the competition, and scale it to 10K/month - in 6 weeks.

What will you learn and master?

The One Person Business System is split into 4 modules:

1. Productizing Yourself

2. Business Marketing

3. Mastering Social Media

4. Mastering your mind

There are a total of 37 lessons.
You'll also get personalised help from us.

1 - Productizing Yourself

✓ Introduction

✓ Building Authority

✓ Branding Yourself

✓ Network and DM Outreach

✓ Skills → Product

✓ Memberships

✓ Books

✓ Digital Courses

✓ Conclusion

2 - Business Marketing

✓ Artificial Intelligence

✓ Market Research

✓ Customer Research

✓ Customer Avatar Template

✓ Crafting Websites

✓ Landing Pages

✓ Copywriting

✓ Unique Selling Point

✓ Brand Positioning

✓ Crafting Offers

✓ Psychology of Sales

✓ Pricing

✓ Advertisements

✓ Email Marketing

✓ Traffic & Distribution

✓ Launch

✓ Building Systems - Automation

3 - Mastering Social Media

✓ Introduction

✓ Benefits

✓ Process

✓ Collaborations

✓ Type of Posts

✓ Building Authority

✓ Achieving Consistency

✓ Generating Unlimited Ideas

4 - Mastering Your Mind

✓ Growth Mindset

✓ Gaining Focus

✓ Achieving Mental Clarity

Productization is the future. Because it's scalable.

I don’t like traditional landing pages anymore.

I’ll try something new - A Genuine Letter from me (Arjun, the course maker and founder of DisplayZen) to you, a potential founder of a brand that generates atleast 10K/month.

Okay so, this is what i know of you so far. From just the past 5 seconds

You are a creative entrepreneur who has the burning desire to grow big and share your thoughts to the world. All while earning 10K+/month and working 4 hours a day for 5 days of the week.

But there are a few problems challenges you need to overcome before you get to that dream outcome.

To be more precise. It’s 3 specific areas.

The skill of business

Business is much more than just conversions and landing pages. It’s also about mastering storytelling, copywriting, productization, branding and much more.

Anyone can run a business. But only a few can run a profitable one.

What’s the key to success in business? Two things.

One is the art of continuous iteration. Second is to learn everyday.

But learning isn’t everything. This comes back to the idea of Strategy vs Execution. Learning is like strategy. Without execution, good strategy is useless. Without a good strategy, execution is a waste of time. Start now. Iterate later.


We all think design is easy. In reality, it isn’t. The reason you think it’s easy is because of sites like Dribbble and Behance. The designs you find there are practically useless.

In reality, your designs should be able to influence people’s behaviour to take action (i.e purchase something, sign up for something).

Interesting isn’t it? But how do you do that?

We cover it in the course.

The Philosophy of the mind - Cognitive Science

Yes, cognitive science sounds fancy. In actual fact, it’s just the philosophy of the mind.

We all think we are master of the mind. But, the only way you truly become one is to master the subconscious part of your mind.

I’ll recap everything for you. You need to master these 6 things:

1. Productization
2. Authentic Branding
3. Writing
4. Execution
5. Design
6. Subconscious Mind

But how do you? Using our course - The One Person Business System

Our course helps creative entrepreneurs productize themselves, build and launch an authentic brand, and scale it to 10K/month - all within 6 weeks

Why trust us?

We are DisplayZen, a Digital Design Studio founded in 2020. We help creative entrepreneurs like you live the life you want by equipping you with the necessary skillset and knowledge about business, mindset and design.

After many requests, we decided to put together a course that helps you go from zero to launching your very own brand that sells itself using proven systems.

This is the very course we wish we had enrolled in when we first started.

Building a One Person Business isn't easy.

I've been there. I started my journey approximately 3 years ago.

How many skills do you think you need to get a normal job?

Just 1. But you have to be highly skilled in that one skill.

An online business is different. Especially a One Person Business. For most people, 2-3 skills is enough to tire someone out. But, 3 skills isn't enough.

My current skillset consists of 16 skills. Yes, 16. It's not easy. Never was and never will be.

Don't believe me? Here they are ↓

1. Copywriting

2. Web Design

3. UI/UX Design

4. Visual Design

5. Storytelling

6. Content Creation

7. Video Editing

8. UX Writing

9. Sales

10. Marketing

11. Advertisements

12. Human Psychology

13. Branding

14. Email Marketing

15. Offer Creation

16. Business Strategy

Now, you don't need to master 16 skills like I did. Just about 5-10 is good.

Here are the main ones:

1. Offer Creation

2. Sales

3. Marketing

4. Visual Design

5. Copywriting

6. Storytelling

It doesn't have to be overwhelming.

And that's why I created this course.

This course will guide you through all the main skills that you need to succeed as a One-Person Business.

Oh and have I told you that you get updates for free?

Yup! We update our course with new lessons twice a month. Thats every 2 weeks.

And you get them for free!

Let's recap. You get:

✓ 37 Lessons

✓ An authentic brand

✓ A Business that is optimised for maximum freedom

✓ A loyal following

✓ Proven systems and frameworks

✓ Personalised help from us

✓ Productivity Booster Notion Template

✓ A Valuable Resource that gets new lessons every 2 weeks

So, what are you waiting for? Click "I want this!" and get access to the course (and get your freedom back)

Still here?

Let’s try one more thing. A short mental practice that I do every night, before going to sleep.

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down where you won't be disturbed.

2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

3. Visualise yourself 10 years into the future. See yourself as vividly as possible, in as much detail as you can. What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you living?

4. As you continue to visualize, bring to mind the things you want to achieve in the next 10 years. See yourself reaching those goals and feel the emotions that come with achieving them.

5. Imagine yourself taking the steps necessary to reach those goals. See yourself working hard and making progress towards your aspirations.

6. Now, focus on the feelings of accomplishment, happiness and satisfaction you would feel when you finally reach your goals. Allow yourself to fully experience these feelings.

If we worked together, we can reach your 10-year goal in 5 years, 1 year? 6 weeks?

At the end of the day, the choice is in your hands. I can’t and won’t force you for something you clearly don’t want.

But if you read this far, you know you do.

You probably either don’t have enough funds or are still skeptical.

→ I can’t solve the funds problem.

→ But, I can solve the second problem. But I don't want to. I don't need to prove my worth.

My social media, website, newsletter, blog, collaborations, mentions from other creators (that took years to build) will will speak for me.

Click here to purchase the course and your freedom back.

For $150. In 1 month, it’ll be $247.

See you in the course,
Arjun, Founder of DisplayZen (and the maker of this course)

Have any questions?

We know you have doubts. We have answers to them. Here are a few questions you might have 🡓

Who is this course for?

This course is for entrepreneurs who want to build and launch digital products and an authentic brand that stands out from the rest of the competition. Not only will you learn how to build and launch a premium brand, you will also learn how to sell your digital products with ease and widespread success. Note: This course is in written form and not video.

Do I get personalised help?

Yes! If you have any questions on growing your brand and want to ask for help, the link to message me (Arjun, Creator of the course) is inside the course. You can ask for help or critiques of your products, websites, social media, e.t.c.

I am a complete beginner, will this help me?

Of course, this is the information we spent years learning and it is now in the form of a course. In simple words, this is the course we wish we had enrolled in when we first started. As a beginner, you need guidance to speed up your journey. This course will guide you.

Do I get a refund if I don't find it suitable?

No. You are going to access a digital product. I will not let you swipe away all the information for free and refund it afterwards. This is knowledge that took years of experience to build. When you pay to access this course, you have all the information you need to earn atleast 100K in your lifetime. But, if you genuinely paid for this course by accident, reach out to us via email and we will look into it for you. (Must be within 12 hours of purchase).

I have more questions.

You can reach out to us at and we will be happy to assist you with any questions or requests. Thank you!

If you are ready to invest in your future and unlock new profound growth, click "I want this!" and you will be on your way to building a brand that generates at least 10K/month - in 6 weeks!

Product by

I want this!

The One Person Business System

37 Lessons
An authentic brand that stands out
Business that is optimised for maximum freedom
A loyal following
Proven systems & frameworks
Productivity booster - Notion Template
A valuable resource
Personalised help
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The One Person Business System (Course)

I want this!